VolgaStrap предлагает ленты Union.

На сегодняшний день практически ни один товар не может обойтись без этикетки. Бирки содержат в себе очень важную информацию о происхождении продукции, ее стоимости и прочее. Для создания таких элементов используется термотрансферный принтер, а расходным материалом являются цветные ленты – риббоны. Наш интернет-магазин предлагает купить риббоны по доступным ценам в Вашем регионе.


Thermal transfer printing technology has significantly expanded the possibilities of producing color tags and labels. These products are not only colorful and are used to identify the product, but are also considered a marketing ploy to promote your own brand. Such labels catch the eye of consumers and draw attention to the brand. Many companies use colored labels for their own purposes. In each case, the color label must meet certain requirements. For example:

  • products of pharmaceutical companies are often stored at low temperatures, so the tag must tolerate temperature changes well;
  • When transporting goods by sea, it is possible that water will get on the label. With such an impact, the color image should retain its original appearance;
  • When loading / unloading products, a mechanical effect on the label is possible, therefore, it must not be subject to abrasion.

To buy ribbons that meet all these requirements in our company, contact the managers in the way available to you. It will not take much time to process the application.

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